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The Queen Mother of Mewar

 Let me start by saying, this is a representation of history and folklore in my own words, trying to show how great a soul this lady was. And let me start with a line here.

“Naari Ki Balidaano Ko Sadev Bhulta Aya hai Itihas.”

 Yes, most women lay forgotten in the pages of history, only alive through the folklore and local tales that fail to reach the pages of books due to a lack of historical evidence. Their names don’t remain, but their haunting hand prints on the fort walls before Jauhar, their names on inscriptions as daughter, wife and mother, often make us wonder, who were they, how were they and how were their lives! Historically, the only thing we know about Maharani Jaivanta Bai Songara, princess of Jallore and queen of Mewar is that she was the first queen of Rana Udai Singh II, the mother of most probably her only son Maharana Pratap and daughter of ally of Rana Sanga, Akshay Raj of Jallore. Apart from that her entire life has no historical existence and is spun on folklore.

The Monsoon of 1539 brought her to the threshold of the great Fort of Kumbhalmer.  About fifteen, the young Princess of Jallore, was accompanying her father to meet the Prince of Mewar. At the mere age of seventeen, the only Sisodia blood alive, the heir to the throne of Mewar had been miraculously found at the fort under the care of Panna Dhai. He had been assumed dead for four years, thought to be killed by his Uncle, Banbir. But destiny had other plans for him.

“Daata had found him at the annual meet of the Royals at Kumbhalmer.” Her younger brother seemed rather excited at the rumours. “He said, he had the look and characters of his forefathers. Daata after all was a great friend to Rana Sanga.”
“Maan. Why are we going there?” She seemed uneasy at the thought of leaving Jallore although Kumbhalmer gave its guests a warm welcome.
“The sixteen major Rawat's of Mewar will soon be revolting against Banbir’s cruel ways Jija. They will soon coronate and declare Udai Singh as Rana” Maan Singh Songara eagerly looked at his shining sword. “Daata said a huge war will be happening soon. Jallore will support Rana Udai Singh's course. Maybe I can convince him to…”
“You are too young to fight Bhai.” She smiled calmly. “But don’t worry your time will also come.”
“Time history will remember my bravery Jija?”
“Yes, Maan.” She smiled at the young prince.

The Kumbha Palace was lit up in all its glory as the secret meeting took place in one of the rooms there.
“ We will all support Rana Udai Singh to end Banbir’s cruelty.”
“We will march to Chittorgarh!”
“Get the troops ready.”
“But first” the young Chundawat chief who had also lost his father in war with Banbir, suggested “as a guardian to the throne, I must remind you all… The prince must marry before being coronated the king.”
The chieftains exchanged glances under pin-drop silence.

“Who will give a daughter to such an unsure future?” the young Rao of Bijolia spoke up worried. He had also just succeeded his father in the Samant’s position.
“I am afraid a rule in Mewar cannot be changed, Raoji.” The Chundawat chief shook his head.
The young clueless prince frowned. “All I know is I need to avenge the deaths of my brother, the Saka of my people, the Jauhar of my mother and the many hurt by the cruel acts of Banbir!” He tightened his fist on his sword.
“Easy Kunwarsa.” Panna Dhai spoke up amongst the men, from the jharokha where the ladies sat. “ I told you, patience is the key.”

“Let’s discuss the armies first. Who are supporting?” Rawat Chundawat spoke up.
“Gwalior. Bikaner. Jaisalmer. Jallore.” The respective heads nodded their heads in agreement.
“The approximate army will be enough to….” Udai Singh asked his chieftain.
“Ji Kunwarsa. Most of Banbir’s army is also with him reluctantly, seeing you alive and well they might change sides.”
The young prince flashed a smile. The throne of Chittorgarh was waiting for him.
“I have a proposal.” Maan Singh Songara frowned at his father’s words.
“Yes Rao Akhshayraj Songara Ji?” Rawat Ji seemed eager.
“I will like to propose Kunwarsa the hand in marriage with my eldest daughter Jaivanta.” A gasp went through the halls. Udai Singh stared at his father’s friend “Are you sure?” He asked with a frown.
“yes Kunwarsa, but with her consent of course.” He nodded in approval.
“If she agrees, the marriage will be held in two days, and the coronation in three. We don’t have much time!” Rawat Chundawat’s words were unanimously agreed upon.
“Jija! Jija!” Maan Singh entered the ladies' chambers where she sat silently in her evening prayers. “Did you hear….” He stopped at her Sakhi who nodded affirmatively.
“Don’t do it Jija. Who knows what is in store? What if he is in life danger there? What if there is no future?” Maan seemed restless pacing behind her. “Jija?”
She opened her eyes and ordered “Ekanth.”
“Jija.” Maan seemed worried as she smiled to confuse him.
“Daata came to me, he wanted my consent.” She said giving him the Prasad as he frowned.
“You said no, right?” He feared knowing how daredevil his Jija was. She smiled.
“He told me this is your time, to sacrifice for the motherland and her glory. How could I say no Bhai?”
“ But Jija!” Maan seemed shocked as she hugged him tightly.
“It is all going to be all right Maan, trust me! Every sacrifice has a greater result. Remember?”
“What great can possibly come out of such a union Jija?” Maan seemed irked.
“I don’t know.” Her voice trailed off. “Ony Kanha Ji can answer that.” She smiled.

“Rajkumarisa.” A daasi interrupted. “Kunwarsa has asked for a meeting before the faldaan.” She nodded in agreement as Maan walked away.
Her eyes trailed his apparent figure in the light and shadow of the lamp from the Jharokha. This is how his forefathers looked? She wondered.
“Rajkumaarisa?” He asked unsure of what to say.
“Ji?” her voice seemed firm.
“Dhanyavaad. For the alliance.” His words made it clear to her. The union was a necessary alliance.
“I am doing this for Mewar Kunwarsa.” She smiled “So are you.” He nodded.
“ You should know that once I become Rana, you will be the Maharani of Mewar and that will mean….” He stopped.
“I know that will mean keeping my people before me, preparing for the Jauhar if needed…” She smiled firmly, “Am a rajputani, that is an honour.”
“And… if anything happens…” He looked unsure.
“I will always protect Mewar’s honour.” He looked up at the Jharokha with immense respect but he could feel she was gone.

The marriage was a hasty affair, with close kins and a secret union. Within a month of the marriage, a troop was being prepared by her father at Kumbhalgarh. She was seeing less and less of Rana Ji post his coronation where she did his tilak and sat on his left as the Maharani of Mewar. People showered their love, blessings and trust on them. Jaivanta felt she had grown more responsible. She had started learning self-defence and the rituals the Sisodia Royal Ladies abided by from Panna Dhai. 

In the next two months, the buzz was that Banbir had bought a larger troop with money and theirs was weaker. A tense meeting at the court made her stare at his worried face from the Jharokha. All these couldn’t go in vain. If he didn’t attack soon, Banbir would attack Kumbhalgarh to finish him instead, that won't be good.

“Ranaji.” She placed down the Haldi Chanch at his bedside table as he sat in thought. “Can I say something?”
“About?” He looked up at her.
“The War.”
“Jaivanta Baiji, the war is on hold. We need troops.”
“I might know where you can…” Her words made him sit up.
“Am all ears.”
“Ranaji, when we read Bappa Rawal’s tale, we see the Solankini clan are bound by a promise to Bappa” She spoke up.
“To let the Rana of Mewar marry their princess? But I don’t get it Jaivanta BaiJi….”
“Ranaji.” She placed her hand on his. “An alliance with the Solankhinis will bring a troop from them!” She smiled as he looked at her face. 
Was she some kind of Devi?
“But…. But…. I just married you!” He looked surprised. “What will your father say?”
“A union for the motherland Ranaji. One more won’t harm!” She reminded him before taking her hand off his.

In the next two weeks, Maharani Jaivanta Bai welcomed home her husband’s other wife. The Solankhini princess, Sajja was childlike. She made her laugh, and care like she once did to her siblings. How much she missed Jallore, the tales of their childhood, folklores, everything she shared with the new bride. Panna Dhai was happy with the two queens bonding like sisters.

Around October 1539, a large troop was ready to march towards Chittorgarh. The war was on. One such morning she was doing the aarti and tilak before Rana Udai Singh attended court when he asked her genuinely,
“You have done so much for me and my motherland in such a small time. You are so selfless Jaivanta. Ask me for anything I can bring you. I insist.”
“bring glory to Mewar Ranaji.” She smiled.
“No am not asking the Maharani of Mewar, I am talking to my wife here.” He held her hand. “Tell me what you want.”
“I…” she looked away doubtful.
“Say it.” He persuaded. “Anything.”
“I want an heir.” She spoke up. “For Mewar.” Made him stare at her.
“Because, even if something happens, I pray not, Rana Sanga’s blood will live inside me.” She spoke with tears, “I will protect him, I promise.”

March 1540, the troop headed by Udai Singh marched out of Kumbhalmer towards Chittorgarh as the ladies celebrated the low-key “godh bharai” rasm of their Maharani. Mewar’s future was in her womb. Udai Singh had won the war one-sidedly, and Banbir had managed to escape. The news, however, arrived with another that Ranaji couldn’t return to Kumbhalmer soon, he had legal and administrative duties to be fulfilled at Chittorgarh.

Around the end of April 1540, Chittorgarh was attacked by the Afghans headed by Shams khanKhan who wanted to seize an opportunity at the incompetent young ruler’s expense in vain. The Bravehearts of Chittorgarh managed to retain the fort while half of it was taken over by the Afghans, forcing Udai Singh to sign a peace treaty with them. A few days later Mewar celebrated the birth of an heir.
On 9th May 1540, at around 12 noon, Maharani Jaivanta Bai had given birth to the first prince and heir of Mewar. The child’s cry was heard through Kumbhalmer as Rana Udai Singh rushed to meet his son.

“Kunwar Pratap Singh Sisodia.” Jaivanta Bai smiled at the baby in her arms as the Naam Karan was done. “He will bring glory to Mewar.” The astrologers predicted. That day the mother in Jaivanta Bai promised the Maharani of Mewar that she would bring her son up selflessly. For his motherland. Giving him the values and morals she was raised with. Watching the baby sleep she remembered her own words.

“Every Sacrifice has a great result.” He was hers. 

The struggle, we all know. His bravery, and selflessness. Sacrifices and self-respect. Behind him was always a mother, a guide, and a true Rajputani. She backed him in every decision. Led him to the righteous path. And often taught him from his mistakes. She never gave in. To train her son, and keep him safe, she had left Chittorgarh and struggled to survive, first at Jallore, then at Bijolia and Bhilwara where he had befriended the Bhils. Some say his earliest lessons in warfare were from them when they didn’t even know the one they called Kika was their crown prince. She taught him the value of everything simple that his father failed to understand. She backed his choices, of marrying Ajabdeh, not accompanying his father to Udaipur, and of making Kumbhalgarh his capital. Of never bowing to the Mughals.

She saw the Bhattiyani Queen Dheerbai receive the love of a husband she always craved. She had his respect, gratitude and perhaps some rights but love? She saw him choose the wrong heir and backed her son to fight on. She gave his queen inspiration. She asked Maan Singh Songara to fight a glorious war with Pratap at Haldighati when he needed the most alliances.

It is sad that Maharani Jaivanta Bai, later Rajmata, outlived the two people she loved the most in her lifetime. Her daughter-in-law and her son. She suffered the pain of watching her children die in front of her, yet it didn't make her weak. He was her life, the one she lived for and as per the folklore goes, she lived till around her early nineties, and was a guide and advisor to her grandson Rana Amar Singh, son to her closest duo. Some even suggest that the glorious treaty Amar Singh had signed with Jehangir, for Chittorgarh had clauses that were suggested to him by his grandmother herself.

True, or not, all said and done, today, we remember a woman, of substance, power, grace and brains. A woman who was mother to Rajputana’s glory, queen to the glorious land of Mewar, a dutiful wife, a strong individual and most importantly a kind heart with a deft political mind. We remember Maharani Jaivanta Bai Singh Songara, and the many others like her, lost in pages of history, as mothers, daughters, princesses, queens, and wives of Bravehearts. They are the reason, support and motivations that make these great men greater.

" Har Balidaan ka ek bohot bada uddesh hota hai, 
jo hum aur aap kabhi samajh nahi payenge.
Shayed Panna Dhai, Ranisa Karnavati, Meera Bai aur Jaivanta Bai ke Balidaano ke piche,
Unn hazaaro sree o ke Jauhar o ke piche,
Uddesh tha ek avatar ke janm ki... Ek Suraj ke roshni ki...
Uske Pratap ke chaaro orr phelne ki..."
~ Suranya


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