She was sitting inside the Palace at Dwarka. Her brothers were busy attending to guests. The Prince of Hastinapur had arrived that day with a proposal for her elder brothers. Being aloof from political scenarios the young princess, the only sister to her two brothers was not bothered. She hated the sight of the prince who troubled her aunt and cousins back in Hastinapur. But he was her brother's student and hence a favourite at Dwarka.
A maid came in a hurry and informed, " There is good news Rajkumari. Your wedding has been fixed to the Prince of Hastinapur, Suyodhan by your eldest brother"
Shocked she could not speak. Her brother did not bother to ask for her opinion. Her childish anger overcame her as she rushed to her other brother, the one who always had the way. Crying she reached his chambers where his wife Rukmini was present. Seeing his dearest sister cry Rukmini got up worried from her seat.
"What is wrong, sister? Why are you crying?"
" Where is my Bhratashri?"
" He is out to meet some Rishis regarding your wedding. Why are you crying?"
" I want my Bhratashri!" The childish princess rushed into her room crying and shut the doors. She heard maids talk outside. The wedding was to happen any day now. People were flocking from Hastinapur to make arrangements for the grand wedding.
Teary-eyed the princess thought of the man she loved. By fate, they were cousins, by heart lovers. He was a warrior who couldn't express his love but she could read him, she could understand they both loved each other ever since they understood love. His marriage to Samragni Panchali too did not bother her. But now when she was going to be married to his enemy where was he? He went on pilgrimage and nobody knew where he was.
" Subhadra! My sister! Why these tears?" It was Krishna her brother. How he got in through the closed doors she did not care.
" Brother! Why are you marrying me to Duryodhan?"
"It's Dau's decision, Subhadra, I can't change it."
"Then go away!"
" I have come to take you out, to meet with a Rishi in the forest."
" I don't want to."
" Believe me, you want to!" He smiled.
Deep inside the forest was a Rishi deep in meditation, Subhadra touched his feet and their eyes met.
" What do you want Kanya?"
" I want my marriage to Duryodhan to be cancelled, Rishiji."
" Why?"
" Because I love another man, I am already his wife."
" Who is this man lady?"
" Kuntiputra Gandivdhari..." Krishna witnessed this at a distance with a smile.
The Rishi got up, shocked.
" Subhadra, you too love me?"
Shocked she looked up and it was indeed Arjun.
" What to do now Parth?" Krishna broke their stares.
" Go home Subhadra, marry him. I can not fight my cousins for you. I can not fight Madhav"
"No, either you take me as your wife after this or else I die."
" Don't be naive!"
Krishna smiled, " Maybe there is a way."
" What?" The lovers looked surprised.
" Subhadra abducts Parth and takes him out of Dwarka. I will give you my chariot. When I settle things here, come back and marry at Dwarka."
Thus, the strangest incident happened. Krishna rushed into the court where Balaram sat with the guests from Hastinapur. Subhadra had abducted Arjun!!
Everyone knew this was a made-up tale, everyone knew Natkhat Nandalal was behind this but who dared raise a voice against him?
Balaram was the hardest to convince. After all, he had called on his favourite student to marry his sister. At last, he agreed but with a condition, " She will travel with him to Indraprasth and live there unlike his other wives."
" But Panchali will not allow..."
" If so then he should stay here."
Arjun was forced to take Subhadra home with him and thus Krishna weaved the threads of the birth of the greatest warrior Abhimanyu, Son of Arjun and Subhadra.
She was pregnant within a few months and Krishna told Draupadi that this son will make her future. Draupadi took great care of Subhadra and left her at Indraprastha when they went to Hastinapur where they got humiliated. Subhadra still pregnant was sent back to Dwarka to be taken care of and Arjun went to leave her. There he stayed with her for a year before they all left for twelve years of Exile and one year of Agyatbyas! One night they were talking of weapons and formations on the battlefield and Arjun lamented how bravely he had broken Chakrayuvh as a teen against Drupad raj.
" Tell me how it's done, Arya."
" No, you will be bored."
" Please tell me."
Arjun told his pregnant wife in great detail how he got in but while he said how he got out he saw his wife asleep and he smiled at her sleeping face. Unaware of the future.
A few months later, a son was born to them. His eldest son, Subhadra's only heir and Krishna's nephew.
" Take good care of Jiji Arya, She is in pain even if she doesn't show it"
" When did he learn that Subhadra? "
" Today only Arya! You don't worry, Bhratashri will take good care of us, you go and do your duties."
" What will you call him Subhadra? Have you decided yet?"
" Bhratashri said he will be called Abhimanyu."
" Abhimanyu... My son, when I come back you will be a teenager and I won't recognise you. Do recognise your father-child, and forgive him for not being there."
Tears came to the warrior's eyes as he looked back at his wife and son waving with smiles at the Palace gates of Dwarka.
Krishna smiled. The future was decided, and things were going like they should be going. He looked at Subhadra playing with her toddler. He walked up to them, picked up his nephew and hugged him. Subhadra was watching Abhimanyu being loved by his Mamashri, and Krishna was silently begging forgiveness from the toddler for the future.
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