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The Queen of Mewar

There have been many versions, folktales and local stories in Rajputana on their Kings and Queens. None of these versions is, however, historical as history only mentions her as wife to Maharana Pratap, his consort and Queen Mother to Amar Singh. 

She was busy making a garland when Ratnawati rushed inside, hardly able to breathe. Concerned, the elder sister stopped her work and looked at her panting young sibling.
" What is it? What's wrong?" 
"Jija maa sa is not letting me go to the haat mela alone. Please come with me, I need to buy some bangles." The spoiled younger one pleaded. 
" Wait, let me do my aarti first, then we can go." 
The reluctant Ratnawati sat down impatiently.
In another room, their mother was helping their father get ready for the day. He was the Samant of Bijolia, the representative of the Rana of Mewar. Throughout the day he had to deal with administrative problems in Bijolia and give people justice, but today he had something more important to do.
" Should I tell the girls who are coming?"
" No, they should only know that your friend is coming from Bundi."
" But..."
" They are not mature enough to hide the truth if they know it, especially Ratnawati."
" Ajabde?" Her mother never lied to her before. She felt reluctant.
" No, she can not lie to Ratnawati, if she asks."
Rao Ram Rakh Punwar warned his wife one last time before leaving in a hurry, alone, on his horse.
Meanwhile, the girls were sneaking out through the back door and were caught in the act by their mother. 
"Where are you two going?" her voice startled them.
" We... we..." Ajabde stammered.
" Haat mela." Ratnawati's reply was prompt.
" Come back soon, we have guests coming."
" Guests?" Ajabde looked worried. " We need to clean the guest rooms."
" It's already done, you go and get the flowers for the rooms when you come back."
Kunwar Pratap looked around the Bijolia Hatt mela for Rao RamRakh Ji. His mother was behind her dupatta. Usually, if he had come, people would have flocked around to catch a glimpse of him, in these commoners' dresses nobody recognised them. A horse stopped beside them and Rao Ji came down.
" Khamma Gani Kunwarsa. Everything is arranged."
" But who else knows we are coming?" Jaivanta Bai enquired. After all, they did not want Udai Singh to know they were in Mewar only.
" No one except my Bindni . I told my daughter that her friend is coming from Bundi."
Jaivanta Bai smiled, yes, she used to be a friend, back when she was not the Maharani of Mewar and she was the Samant's wife. Maybe, God had given them this scope to renew their old bonds.
They made their way to Ram Rakh Punwar's humble home. Sitting in the darbari room they were provided with Chach and fruits. Hansa Bai rushed to hug her old friend. She thought this was a time when Jaivanta Bai might need a friend. Kunwar Pratap being a humble prince, touched his mother's friend's feet.
" No No Kunwarsa, you are Mewar's Prince, you don't need to touch my feet."
" First I am my mother's son, hence your nephew, so bless me, Mausi Ji."
She was in awe of this prince. He reminded her of an equally humble Rajkumari who was now Maharani of Mewar.
Ratnawati came running in " Maa saa? Maaa saaaa?" and was shocked to see two unknown faces. Rao Ram Rakh was embarrassed by how his daughter came running in. Hansa Bai quickly saved her.
" You are back? Where is Ajabde??"
" Jija...." She had no clue, she had left the otherwise quiet and slow Ajabde alone as soon as she reached home.
Kunwar Pratap yawned in tiredness. He was not used to this life and was trying hard to cope with the disguised character. Seeing him yawn Hansabai got up, " Ratnawati, this is my friend from Bundi and that is her son Pratap. Please take him to one of the guest rooms and make him feel comfortable, Go with her."
Pratap got up waiting for Ratnawati to lead the way. He heard her murmur under her breath," I have better things to do than lead this man to his room."
" What did you say?"
" Nothing." She stopped in the corridor
" Go straight then turn right, there is a room that is lit for you."
Ratnawati turned around and ran away before he could say a word.
He reluctantly made his way through the unknown corridors and into the chambers.
Stepping over the threshold he was taken aback. There was somebody there already.
" Shama Karein, I thought this is my room." He turned around to go.
" Nahi nahi" She quickly tried to put on her dupatta and missed it. " I was just putting flowers in the vase."
Turning around he saw her face. She was not beautiful. But there was a sense of calm in her soft-spoken nature and shy smile.
" You must be Ajabde. Hansa Mausi was looking for you."
" Ohh... I shall take your leave then."
She went past him about to cross the threshold, but he stopped her.
" I am Kun... Pratap, Pratap from Bundi."
She turned around with a smile of appreciation,
" Thank you for the flowers Ajabde."
" You are welcome Pratap" She disappeared after a turn in the corridor, and he wanted to talk more. He wondered why.
At dinner, as everyone sat around, the maids served them food, helped by Ajabde.
" Aree Wah! Kheer! It's my favourite." He said childishly, smiling at his mother.
" Ajabde made it." Was a prompt reply from her proud mother. Ajabde was embarrassed at this as he smiled at her, visibly pleased.
" My Jija makes the best Kheer in Mewar! Try it!" gushed Ratnawati proudly.
" Ratna...." A slow stern voice from Ajabde made her stop. He looked at the two sisters and smiled, he had left his brothers and sisters behind at the palace and he missed them. Watching these two brought back some good memories. He heard Ratnawati whisper to Ajabde "You know Jija the Prince of Ranthambore is getting married, if he saw me, I am sure he would have married me, Oh how I wish I met a prince." Ajabde just smiled at her sister's dreams.
After Dinner, a cool breeze was blowing in from the small window in Kunwar Pratap's chambers so he stepped out looking for a fresh air roof somewhere to sit and stare at the stars. As he stepped into the balcony he found Ajabde already there, looking up at the moonlit sky.
" Shama karein, I will leave." Again taken aback Ajabde tried to put the dupatta on in vain.
"It's okay," he stopped her," You don't need to be formal, nobody is here."
" You enjoy the breeze, I will leave."
" Why?" His question startled him as much as it surprised her. A long awkward pause followed.
" Can I ask you something?" He broke the silence.
" Ji?"
" Why is your sister not mature enough like you?"
" Am sorry, if she told you something she shouldn't have."
" No No, I was just amazed at how she wanted to meet a prince." He was ashamed that he had heard their personal conversations.
" She is just childish, she will grow up with age."
" So, you have never met a prince?" He asked her.
" No."
" Why? Your father is a samant right?"
" Yes, but we never go to Chittor, we just hear stories."
" You have no intention to meet a prince like Ratnawati?" He was growing curious.
" She wants to marry a prince." She smiled.
" And you?"
" I just want to know the person I marry, may he be a prince or pauper."
She took his leave before he could ask more. The next day when he accompanied his mother to the Puja Ghar, Ajabde was already there, before the break of dawn, making flowers. His lips smiled, watching her. Jaivanta Bai noticed that. She told Ajabde, " Today I want to perform Puja with you." Hands folded he saw his mother sing bhajans and make garlands with this commoner girl. Back at the palace, there were maids in attendance, he felt his mother was not comfortable enough here. A pang of guilt cropped up inside him. He was about to leave when Ajabde stopped him.
" Suniye?"
" Ji?"
" Prasad." She gave him the prasad and walked away.
At the jalpaan bhojan she was not there. He looked around for a glimpse. Jaivanta Bai asked her mother " Where is Ajabde?"
" Ohh she is at the cowshed with her cows, she won't have a bite before feeding them."
Pratap got up, " I need to go feed Sarang."
At the cow shed, Ajabde sat feeding her cows and cleaning the shed. He rushed in to meet Sarang who had got a place in Raoji's stable just across the cowshed. Feeding Sarang with his hands, he said to his horse " Sarang, meet my new friend Ajabde. She is Hansa Mausi's daughter."
A shocked Ajabde looked up to see him with the horse. She stepped forward in awe of Sarang.
" You could have told me, I would have fed him with the cows."
" He doesn't eat from anyone except me." There was a hint of proudness in his voice.
She took some straws and placed them in front of Sarang.
" Sarang, your master just said I am your friend, that way, I am your friend too, so will you make your friend sad by rejecting her food, or will you eat it?" She went on talking and caressing the horse until it ate her feed. She looked at an awestruck Pratap and said " You see, Love can win all." He smiled at her. As she turned to leave she stopped.
" By the way, Kunwar Pratap's horse's name is Sarang too, you know." She looked lost in her thoughts, trying to join the dots.
" Yes, that is why I named him Sarang." He quickly stopped her thoughts and she took his leave.
That night on the roof, Pratap waited for Ajabde to show up. He did not know if she came there every day, and he did not know if she would that day, but still, he waited. The sound of her payal, coming his way, made him smile. She stepped over the threshold and smiled back at him, before sitting down a few steps away opposite him.
" I was waiting for you."
" Ji?" He was embarrassed again. She blushed in the moonlight.
" Actually," he tried to sound normal," I wanted to know about Kunwar Pratap."
" Kunwarsa?"
" Yes, we heard a lot about him."
" I have heard about him too, Daata says he is the bravest warrior and the kindest soul of Mewar, his humble nature makes him everyone's favourite." Pratap was pleased to hear her praise him.
" You never met him?"
" No, I didn't."
" Do you want to?"
" No, I am sure, even if I meet him, he will not be able to recognise me or talk to me because he is a prince after all."
" But you just said he is humble."
" I just heard, never saw for myself."
" Do you like Kunwar Pratap?"
" Every Mewari likes him." she smiled. Pratap now got interested.
" Suppose you meet a prince, what will you do?"
" I will get scared and faint!"
Her answer made him laugh, his laugh made her smile.
" What if I am a prince?"
She laughed at this ... " You can't be."
" Why?" His face grew serious.
" Because a prince can never be so down to earth." She smiled. He looked at her impressed, knowing she was praising him for being who he is.
That dawn Ajabde was praying to the Tulsi manch on the lawn when she heard the sound of hooves. She decided to go and check on the front gate because many important letters often arrived from Chittor for her father. On reaching the gate she saw Pratap talking to the soldier who had come from Chittor with the Mewari flag.
" What is he doing with the soldier?" She thought aloud.
She stepped forward and heard bits and traces of the conversation.
" Kunwarsa Ranaji wants you to leave for the field at once, they can attack anytime, Ranaji sends this letter to MaharaniSa."
Her hands felt numb, and she sat down on the floor at the gates. Kunwarsa?? Kunwar Pratap? 
At once last night's conversation flashed in her mind ... Do you like Kunwar Pratap?
He took the message and turned back to see her sitting numbly on the floor. His heart skipped a beat. She looked up at his eyes, her eyes filled with tears and she ran inside.
" Ajabde?" He called in vain before he ran back in following her. She ran to her room and shut the door.
" Ajabde, listen to me, please, I wanted to tell you..." He banged on her door. She sat down leaning on the closed door and cried, she never talked to anybody the way she did with him, she never trusted anybody as much as she trusted him. Two days felt like a lifetime, she could not deny that the first look at him had made her blush. She never knew who he was. She would have never let these thoughts come otherwise. She felt betrayed, by him, and her parents. They all lied to her.
His eyes filled up. He felt helpless.
" Please Ajabde. Listen to me, even I don't know what prompted Rani Ma to move around Bundi and Mewar like that ... I don't even know the problems between her and Daajiraj. Please Ajabde."
With no reply, he left disappointed. Reaching his room he ordered the maids to get his clothes packed. He went to give Ranima the letter from Chittor and informed her he is leaving for war. Coming Back to his room, he was angry. He should have told Ajabde. If not, he should have been less friendly. He had hurt her. In his anger, he just threw a vase. The vase rolled up to the threshold stopping the maids at their work.
" What happened? Pack quickly!" He shouted. That was so unlike him.
Somebody picked up the vase. He turned around and it was her. All his anger disappeared. He smiled at her, but her eyes said she was clearly hurt.
Putting the vase down, she stared away, avoiding his glances. He looked at the working maids and said "Ekant!"
" No, No." She stopped them. " I was just here to say thank you Kunwar Sa, for staying at our humble home, and sorry, if we couldn't please you." Her formal tone had a hint of pain, he knew he deserved this.
" Really? Kunwarsa?" He stared at her in silence, then called for a guard, " Get my horse ready." He walked past her and to his mother's room. She wiped away a tear in secret.
He was about to leave when Jaivanta Bai came to do the traditional aarti to see him off. She followed in silence. All through the aarti, he stared at her as she continued to ignore his glances. He left after touching his mother's feet. She rushed up to the roof as fast as she could. At the gate, he looked back and saw her standing there. A smile curved on his lips, he knew she was angry at him but she still cared.
After a few days, Jaivanta Bai too left for Chittor, the letter from Chittor had helped sort out their differences, and she needed to resume her duty as the Maharani of Mewar. Before leaving she hugged Ajabde and said, " I always wanted a daughter like you, I am so happy I stayed here, sometime later I will be sending a letter to invite you to stay at Chittor with me for some time, Hansa please send your daughter."
" It will be my privilege, Maharani Sa."
" Don't call me Maharani, Ajabde, you are like my daughter, please call me Ranima, like Kunwar Pratap, does." His name made her heart skip a beat, she smiled and nodded.
Two months later a letter arrived with the royal seal, it invited Ajabde to stay at Chittorgarh Ranimahal with the queens. Ratnavati was hurt. The invitation was for her sister only. A reluctant Ajabde did not want to leave her sister behind but she had no choice. The queen's letter was almost like an order. Hansa Bai loaded her trunks with gifts for the royal family. She gave her daughter her best jewellery to carry with her for her two-day stay. With a huge arrangement, Ajabde reached Chittor with a pounding heart. She did not know if he would be there or not but her heart wanted to see him. At the Gates of the Ranimahal, Ajabde was welcomed by the Maharani herself.
" This is Ajabde." She was introduced to Rani Sajjabai. Two princesses rushed out, one was about Ajabde's age, and another was younger.
" So you are Ajabde, I have heard so much about you." She gushed excitedly, " Ranima can I take her on a tour around Ranimahal?" With a nod of approval, the princess was pleased. " I am Maan Kanwar, younger sister to Kunwar Sa."
" I know who you are, Rajkumari."
" Please call me Mann Ajabde." They reached a big ground where the princes were practising.
" Dadabhai look who is here."
She saw him stop his sword in mid-air and turn around. A glance at her made him smile. She blushed at his sight.
" Dadabhai talks so much about you." The younger princess broke the silence.
" Chand!" He tried to stop her in vain, it really was more awkward than he thought.
" Your Puja, your cooking, everything, he talks about all day."
Sajjabai interrupted this rather awkward conversation to show Ajabde her room. She turned away confused, as he looked on.
At the Ranimahal, Ajabde was given a big room, with its own mandir, granth and everything she liked. It was like her own room in Bijolia. She sat arranging her things when Jaivanta Bai walked in.
" Ajabde?"
" Maharani Sa, Khamma Gani." She rose to her feet.
" Again you are calling me Maharani? "
" Sorry, Ranima." Ajabde blushed.
" Here I have something for you."
She handed Ajabde a Shiva Linga. " They say if you worship him daily, you get your desired husband, what kind of husband do you want Ajabde?" The question was rather rhetorical. She looked up at the smiling Jaivanta Bai as Pratap interrupted.
" Rani Ma, I have been looking for you everywhere."
Their eyes met and smiled, yet they didn't. As he followed Jaivantabai out of the room, Ajabde sat with her newly found lord for the sandhi puja.
The next day, at dawn, Ajabde made her way to the Narayan temple for her early morning prayers. She sat making a garland when she overheard two daasis gossiping.
" I heard they are looking for a bride for Kunwar Pratap."
" Has to be some Rajkumari. Our Kunwarsa is so brave and handsome."
Something made Ajabde feel so bad, that she got up, and left. On her way, she met Kunwar Pratap.
" I have something to talk to you about." He said before she could speak a word."
" I am sorry Kunwarsa but I have to go pack my things."
" What? You are leaving so soon? Why?"
" I miss Ratnawati."
" Ajabde, don't lie to me."
" I am not lying." The way she said the last words angrily, never had a commoner talked to a royal like that.
" I don’t understand you at times, yesterday everything was fine, and suddenly..."
" You don't need to understand me Kunwarsa, understand your new bride, that will do."
" I... What? Bride? What are you saying? Who told you?"
" I just heard." She left in a hurry before he could stop her. He didn't meet her until she was about to leave. She hugged the Princesses goodbye.
" I shall take you to Bijolia." He offered.
" No Kunwarsa, you need not worry, my guards, can take me."
She hugged Rani Ma tight, and when she got into the palanquin, her eyes filled up. It was like a final goodbye. She wanted to tell him so much, but that would just be wrong, her dreams were never meant to be fulfilled.
A week had passed since she returned. She had told her mother to look for a groom, she wanted to go away from Mewar. Her mother was shocked. In two days her daughter seemed to grow up a lot. A messenger arrived from Chittor. He had a letter for her father.
" The Maharana of Chittor will be arriving at Bijolia shortly, with Maharani sa and Kunwar said. " Her father declared keeping the letter down. Her heart skipped a beat.
" Why? Is everything fine?" Hansa Bai enquired. Ram Rakh Punwar looked at his confused daughter. " Yes, they want our Ajabde for Kunwarsa."
" What?" Hansa Bai could not believe what she heard. Ajabde felt her hands go numb.
I have something to talk to you about... he had said. She did not listen. She rushed to her room and shut the door behind her. The only person who was prancing around the house in joy was Ratnawati. " Now I can go and stay with Jija at the palace whenever I want!"
He had arrived with his family, and the nagada announcement said so. She was dressed up in her best lehenga and jewellery. Head covered in dupatta she arrived at the hall where everyone waited. There was a pandit there as well. As she arrived, Jaivanta Bai went up and hugged her. She could see him smile. The pandit said that 6 months later there was a perfect muhurat. After food and chatter, the guests retired for the night. Shedding off the heavy lehenga and gaudy jewellery she sat on the balcony. A creaking noise and she took hold of the fruit knife.
" Who is there?" She aimed at the darkness, scared.
" Hush!" He sprang out of the darkness into the moonlight, " Stop shouting."
" You? What are you doing here?"
He smiled, " And hence the questions!"
" I have something to tell you" She ignored his taunt.
He looked at her waiting.
"I think you should marry a princess, you deserve a princess, Mewar deserves a Princess as their Kuwarani." He was just smiling through her various excuses, for Mewar, for his family, for his people, mostly him.
" You are done?" He asked when she stopped. She looked at him confused as he laughed. " This is why I chose you and not a princess."
" Why?"
" Because You will first think of Mewar, then my people, then my family, then me, but never about yourself first." His reply filled her heart, yes he knew her too well. She was indeed all that he said.
" I like you for who you are, Ajabde." That was the closest he had gone to a confession. Warriors have tough hearts, her mother used to say. This one was different. He was shy.
People thought she had chosen an easy comfortable life as a future Maharani of Mewar, but they both knew that the path he would choose would be very different from the luxurious life his father led. He knew if anyone could stick by him against all odds, it would be her. And he was right. All through life they struggled for their motherland. They starved, roamed forests, and used up the little resources they had for luxury to serve their motherland. They were Maharana Pratap Singh of Mewar and his Queen Consort, Maharani Ajabde Punwar of Bijolia. Nine other marriages and many more difficulties later, their love remained strong, till her death and beyond.
Representative Image from The Met


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