She was born to the King and Queen of Mithila after they waited decades for a child. Having adopted a girl child already, King Janaka accepted yet another girl child with open arms, unlike King Dasharatha who was desperate for sons, so much, so that he gave away his only daughter for it. She was named Urmila, meaning the waves of Passion. From her very childhood, she grew up listening to tales of bravery and sacrifice, legends and Gods from the sages who were patronized by their father. The sisters were taught to be brave enough to question all the rights and rituals than blindly follow them like most others. Janaka was too happy to answer all of his daughter's curiosities. She used to travel to various Ashrams of well-known hermits with her father and sister.
One such time she was visiting the annual Yajna of the King-Priest Vishwamitra. They arrived there, amongst other Kings and Royals of Aryavarta and were shocked to hear how time and again the demon Taraka and her son Marich lead a group of Demons to vandalize the Yajna. This time round the buzz was that some princes were here to kill her. A terrified Urmila asked her elder sister, " But killing is so wrong, why will they kill her?" They went to the Hermit Vishwamitra himself with this query. Vishwamitra gladly explained, " Because he who defies Dharma deserves to be punished." King Janaka was eager to meet the brave princes who were to kill the demon. Vishwamitra introduced them to the Princes of Ayodhya, Ram and Laxman. Both very quiet and obedient by nature, they touched Janaka's feet. Janaka had made his choice, if only this eldest one could string the bow of Shiva...
The demon arrived at the Yajna, and the horrified princess' witnessed the killing. The princes were invited back to the palace by their father. She was in awe of the younger one, he followed his brother around obediently, silently trying to protect him too, acting as a friend, more than a brother. Many thought him not worthy, less talented and even spineless enough to follow his brother around but she saw it differently. It was the same love she felt for her elder sister, overprotective and dependent, she was like that too. Urmila was slowly falling for Laxman, the silent warrior.

The next day at court, the buzz was that Ram would try to string the bow of the Lord. Urmila rushed to Sita's side. She was well aware of how much Sita wanted Ram to succeed. They had gathered around the bow to watch Ram try what others have failed miserably at. Taking the name of the Lord, his Guru and his Parents, Ram lifted the bow with ease. A gasp escaped Urmila's mouth as she saw him closing the strings. With a loud noise, the bow broke into two. Everyone stood amazed and confused, while Laxman had this big proud smile on his face. Urmila smiled too. For she was happy her sister now had her chosen Groom.
The Palace was decorated for the occasion, and the city celebrated in joy as King Dasharatha arrived to meet his son's bride-to-be. There he noticed all four Princesses Sita, Urmila and their cousins Mandavi and Srutakirti were brought up in an equally impressive way by Janaka. The princesses served the King like their Father. Impressed, Dasharatha had a proposal for Janaka. He wanted all four princesses for the four sons. A daasi rushed into the Rani Mahal to inform them. Urmila was to wed Laxmana. She could not believe this was true.
The wedding was a fairy tale one with many guests, celebrations and rituals that followed. Mithila and Ayodhya celebrated for a month. It was time to leave their parent's home for Ayodhya. The sisters were happy they had each other at their husband's homes. The city, the people, and the palace, all were so similar yet so unfamiliar. The queens accepted their sons' brides with open arms. They always wanted daughters and they were happy to have the princesses at their Palace. Sumitra, Laxman's mother was a commoner married to the king. She was so humble and down to earth that Urmila and Srutakirti were never uneasy at the palace. Sita lived on Queen Kausalya's premises and hence they only met at rituals and meals.
They were not wives to their husbands yet, they met occasionally mostly at festivals. Whenever Laxman met Urmila all they talked of were their brothers and sisters. A few months passed by blissfully as the sisters learned the Ayodhya ways of life. One day, news from Queen Kaikeyi's court shook the Palace. Ram was the foremost choice for a crowned prince not only because he was the eldest but also the most talented among the brothers. But Kaikeyi wanted Bharat's coronation and Ram's exile. What followed was days of complete darkness for Urmila for fourteen long years.

" But how will I spend fourteen years without you?"
" By waiting for me. Count the days, they will pass quickly."
As they rode away in a chariot, he didn't turn back to look at her, maybe because her teary eyes could make him weak. She watched the dust cover their tracks as she wiped away her tears. Urmila took hold of the situation and took care of the ailing Dasharatha and his queens till his sudden death.
Fourteen years she spend, doing her duties as his wife, never meeting him. When the news of Sita's kidnap and the impending war reached Ayodhya, Urmila was once again shrouded by uncertainty. For her sister, her husband, and their future. She prayed days and nights, sleepless, in worry.
At last, the news of their victory was a relief. They were coming home. Ayodhya was lit in lamps. People celebrated their King's homecoming. Inside the Rani Mahal, after more than a decade Urmila was happy, dressing up in her bridal attires for her husband. They were teenagers when he left, and now they were man and woman ready to reunite. As their chariot arrived, she followed their mothers out for a glimpse. Tears were in everyone's eyes as the mothers reunited with their sons and Kaikeyi begged for forgiveness. Urmila met her husband after a struggle so long that she did not remember what happiness was until now. She welcomed him with Aarti and they united that night.
Laxman Kila |
A few years later, twins were born to them and Laxman shifted away from Ayodhya to present-day Lucknow. Angad and Dharmaketu were ideal sons to her and Laxman. As for Laxman, He served his brother till his last breath. She, however, came across as a lesser-known yet strong woman who lived and fulfilled her promise to him for fourteen years, alone. She is a woman who sets an example as an Independent and strong-willed person, much like women of today.
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